Scientific Reports即将截止的特刊征稿十月辑|寻找更匹配您的投稿方向:体育赛事传媒

時間:2023-11-24 09:55:55 作者:体育赛事传媒 熱度:体育赛事传媒
体育赛事传媒描述::专辑特刊为您提供了一个平台,让您有机会与同领域的其他科研工作者一起集中展示发表的成果。下列为近期即将截止的编辑特刊,来看看有没有与您的科研方向匹配的征稿,征稿详情以页面信息为准,欢迎点击了解相关特刊征稿。 特刊:Climate engineering 客座编辑:Caterina De Vito, Xueliang Guo, Benzhong Zhao & Yuyu Zhou Anthropogenic climate change has led to sea level rise and increasingly extreme weather events, including droughts, floods, and heatwaves. Climate change threatens oceanic and terrestrial ecosystems worldwide, disproportionately affecting those living in developing nations through food insecurity, mortality from extreme weather, and vector-borne diseases. As greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, climate engineering, including carbon dioxide removal and management of solar radiation, presents an opportunity to mitigate the disastrous effects of global warming. This Collection welcomes research on the development, implementation, effectiveness, and potential consequences of climate engineering. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Angiogenesis in health and disease 客座编辑:Debanjan Chakroborty, Manjusha Dixit, Pravir Kumar & Chandrani Sarkar Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation, is essential for tissue growth and repair. Though it plays an important physiological role, it also contributes to disease progression in conditions such as cancer and age-related macular degeneration. Elucidation of the mechanisms of angiogenesis has resulted in the development of potential therapies for the inhibition of tumour progression, however, cancer cells can show resistance to these therapies via a number of mechanisms, and therefore a greater understanding of the pathways and factors that regulate the angiogenesis process is important for the further development of effective treatment strategies. This Collection gathers studies that explore angiogenesis under physiological and pathological conditions, including in cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as the potential of therapeutic agents that target specific proteins or pathways to stimulate or inhibit the process. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Convergent evolution 客座编辑:Laszlo Patthy & Bei-Wen Ying Convergent evolution is the concept by which organisms independently develop mechanisms to adapt to the same, or similar, selective pressures. Classic examples include the evolution of camera-like ocular vision in both cephalopods and vertebrates, and the establishment of winged flight in birds, bats, pterosaurs and insects. Advances in morphometric analyses are facilitating identification of novel anatomical patterns across species and through time. In addition, the expansion of affordable, high quality next generation sequencing is resulting in a wealth of new genetic data, highlighting novel molecular pathways and interactions with wide-ranging potential scientific interest. This Collection welcomes primary research focused on establishing and characterising new and existing examples of convergent evolution at genetic, molecular and anatomical levels. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Novel pain therapies 客座编辑:Morten Hoegh, Selwyn Samuel Jayakar & Kevin Pacheco-Barrios Pain is the most common reason people seek healthcare, and pain is a sequela of many common health problems. Additionally, an estimated one in five individuals worldwide experiences chronic pain, and many are unable to receive a diagnosis or be otherwise treated outside of analgesics. Although opioids have been effective at relieving pain for many individuals, the high costs – financial, medical, and personal – of opioid use disorder and opioid addiction indicate the need for better pain therapeutics. Non-pharmacological interventions for pain can also be useful in reducing long-term pain medication use, preventing the development of chronic pain, and providing relief to patients for whom pharmacologic therapies are contraindicated or not desired. These avenues need further exploration. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Coastal ecology 客座编辑:Irfan Aziz, Radhouane Ben-Hamadou & Zachary T. Long The coast is a narrow but very complex and dynamic region where land and ocean meet. Coastal ecosystems are amongst the most biodiverse and productive on Earth, including estuaries, mangroves, wetlands, intertidal zones, seagrass meadows, and coral reefs. These ecosystems provide a wealth of resources and services for human communities, but are also under significant threat from climate change, overexploitation, pollution, and other anthropogenic pressures. It is therefore vital to better understand the highly intricate ecological networks of coastal communities, if we are to successfully preserve, manage and improve the health of these ecosystems in the coming decades. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Sexual selection 客座编辑:Indrikis Krams, Satoshi Ogawa & Peter Schausberger Sexual selection was first proposed by Charles Darwin and can be considered a “special case” of natural selection, by which fitness and reproductive success of an individual is primarily determined by its ability to choose or compete for a mate. Sexual selection has shaped morphological and behavioural adaptations across the tree of life, sometimes to extreme effect, from ornate plumage in birds-of-paradise, elaborate courtships in some spiders, to antlers in deer. Sexual selection can act before copulation (e.g., mating displays or outcompeting rivals), but also act after copulation (e.g., sperm competition). Defining the concept of sexual selection, the instances when it applies and processes underlying it, are active areas of research in evolutionary biology. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Bionic humans 客座编辑:Yih-Kuen Jan, Marco Gervasi & Dr Silvia Todros The human lifespan has almost doubled over the last century. As we live longer, concerns about rehabilitation after accidents and diseases and the natural breakdown of the body during aging have increased interest into healthy aging and the ability to enhance our natural capabilities, including the use of biomaterials. Understanding how the human body breaks down and how to best rehabilitate it is vital. In parallel with this, understanding how to augment the physical capabilities of healthy individuals can support health and prevent, reduce, or prolong the onset of deterioration. Biomaterials have allowed us to support or replace biological functions lost to traumatic injury, disease, or aging, and developments in tissue engineering have the potential to greatly improve the lifespan and quality of life among people with various conditions. These interventions might be thought of as making us “bionic” – having our capability or performance augmented or restored. This Collection aims to explore the ways in which humans are becoming more bionic and welcomes original research on injury or disease occurrence and rehabilitation, exercise physiology, and biomaterials and tissue engineering. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Agricultural livestock and poultry nutrition 客座编辑:Anusorn Cherdthong, Sami Dridi & Sarah Meale The husbandry methods by which herds and flocks are maintained has evolved substantially since livestock and poultry farming was introduced. One particular focus has been in the nutrition of animals and the effects this has not only on productivity and quality, but also on animal welfare and broader environmental factors, such as sustainability. Recent advances include research focussed on finishing feed composition to optimise meat quality and the introduction of sustainably sourced carbohydrate and protein into animal feed. This Collection welcomes research investigating the nutritional requirements of different species and breeds, the influence of feeds on meat, dairy and egg quality, and the potential environmental impacts of livestock and poultry diets. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 特刊:Maternal health and mortality 客座编辑:Kimiyo Kikuchi, Jakub Mlodawski & Kok Hian TAN Cardiac arrhythmia refers to a variation in the normal rate and/or rhythm of the heart. Though some forms of arrhythmia may only cause minor symptoms, others can be life-threatening. Atrial fibrillation, one of the most common forms of arrhythmia, is known to greatly increase the risk of stroke, while ventricular arrythmias are associated with sudden cardiac death. Greater understanding of arrhythmias, including their pathophysiology, is necessary both for arrhythmia prevention and to improve early recognition and treatment of symptoms in order to maximize treatment efficacy and to reduce mortality. This Collection welcomes studies that provide new insights into the genetic and molecular underpinnings of cardiac arrhythmias, develop models and technologies for diagnosis, further understanding and investigation, or explore clinical management of the condition. 点击了解征稿及客座编辑详情 点击了解更多征稿内容
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